NEW! League competitions

Competitions in Taonga take on a new form!

If you're not yet familiar with the competitions in the game, check out this article: Competitions

Requirements for participation have changed and become simpler:

You can start participating in the competition at any time before it ends, while before, it was possible to enter the competition a maximum of an hour before it ended. It is still necessary to collect a minimum number of points. You just need to participate in activities and get competition points for it.

The number of participants has increased:

The competition is now divided into leagues. You start in the bronze league, if you get enough points and take one of the upper places, you will be promoted and participate in the silver league. The strongest league is the gold league, but it will be the hardest to stay in it, so a lower place will relegate you to the silver league. You cannot rise above the gold league or fall below the bronze league.

The number of rewards has been increased:

All participants now receive rewards if the minimum participation requirements are met. The higher your place in the league and the higher the league, the higher the reward.