Transporting Items from your Storage to Neighboring Islands

To complete many different tasks on your travels, you’ll need different items and materials that need to be brought to neighboring islands from the Storage on your Home Island. This is easy to do:

1. Select the Boat and click on the “Load” button at the top of the Boat window. Or, you can also select Storage from the main game screen.


(click to zoom in)

2. Find the needed item in Storage and click the “Load” button found underneath the image of the item.


3. In this window you can see the cargo hold's capacity and the amount of items in Storage and in the cargo hold.

The weight of the item is shown to the left of its' picture.


4. Click on the "1 →", "10 →", "← 1", "← 10", "All →", "← All" to load the required amount of items.

Click the red cross in the top right corner of the window to finish loading this item.


5. Here you can check the Boat’s contents to make sure you have everything you require. From here, click on the “Boat” tab and embark on travel.
